
BANK 十周年展览 10th Anniversary Show|生日派对 Birthday Party|11月10日开幕


 BANK 十周年展览 10th Anniversary Show 

生日派对!Birthday Party!

开幕预览/Opening: 2023/11/10 周五 Fri 15:00-18:30
展览时间/Show Duration: 2023/11/10 - 2024/01/10
地点/Address: 上海市徐汇区安福路298弄2号楼底楼 
Basement, No,2, Lane 298, An Fu Rd, Shanghai

BANK 诞生于10年前的一个快乐的错误。这一切都起源于我们发现了一个特别的空间、一些突发奇想和稍许胆识。如今,它已成为一个全球性品牌。香港路 59 号这个地址赋予了我们画廊的名字和最初的活力。它的前身是银行工会大厦(始建于 1925 年),虽然已经废弃,但在我们眼中却是一个充满可能性的堡垒。我们的想法是创建一个 "策展人工作室",在这里,策展人的理想可以得到实现,中国艺术家可以与全世界各地的艺术家进行交流,艺术可以兼具智性和乐趣。我们做到了这一点,而且做得更好。

BANK 从最初的使命发展壮大,同时四处发展,获得、失去、再获得,艺术家、项目和影响力不断发展。我们把艺术家带到世界各地,也把世界其他地方的艺术家带到上海。一路走来,我们展出了全球最知名的艺术家——黑特·史德耶尔(Hito Steyerl)、玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇(Marina Abramović)、保罗·麦卡锡(Paul McCarthy)、徐冰、艾萨克·朱利安(Isaac Julien)、罗伯特·梅普尔索普(Robert Mapplethorpe)和张怡(Patty Chang)等等。我们还为许多新兴艺术家举办了他们在上海的首次个展——孙一钿、廖国核、陆明龙(Lawrence Lek)、王亮杰(Alvin Ong)、张移北等。我们从来不会被简单地归类或被放在一个特定的框架下,“出其不意”变成了我们的一种工作方式。对我们来说,艺术是发现的渠道,不受潮流、品味或地域的限制。对我们来说,艺术没有界限,我们渴望不断探索艺术的前沿。

我们经常被视为 "新兴艺术家 "画廊,最年轻的艺术家出生于 2001 年。然而,我们最年长的艺术家出生于 1932 年,如果不是在 1989 年去世,他今年已经 91 岁了。这些年来,我们也有艺术家遗憾离世。我们有自学成才的艺术家,也有身为学院教授的艺术家。我们对年龄、性别或种族没有任何偏见,全心全意、兼收并蓄,并坚持呈现高质量的展览。

一路走来,有许多值得纪念的里程碑:喧闹的演出、纵饮的放浪、世界各地的博物馆展览,也有挣扎、突变和全球性灾难。我们为80多位艺术家举办了 65 场展览,参加了 10 个国家及地区的 42 场艺术博览会。我们已经成为一家国际知名的商业画廊,艺术家在顶尖艺术机构展出并被其收藏,但我们仍以一颗独立的心稳步前行,关注的焦点仍然是艺术精神。

不敢相信我们已经 10 岁了,尽管我们已经做了许多事,但我们仍然年轻,雄心勃勃,正在茁壮成长。祝BANK生日快乐!尽情狂欢吧!

Marina Abramović at BANK's original site on Xianggang Road, Shanghai, 2015

BANK was born 10 years ago out of a happy mistake. It started with the discovery of a special space, a whim, and some hutzpah.  It is now a global brand. Xianggang Lu No 59 was the address that gave us our name and original vitality. It was the former Bank Union Building (est. 1925), defunct and derelict, but in our eyes an austere bastion of possibilities. The idea was to create a ‘curatorial studio,’ a place where curator’s ideals could be flushed out, where Chinese artists could be in conversation with the rest of the world, and where art could be intellectually challenging and fun at the same time. We achieved this and then some. 

BANK grew from its original mission, sometimes in multiple directions at once, gaining then losing, then regaining an ever-evolving roster of artists, programs, and influence.  We took our artists around the world and brought the rest of the world to Shanghai. Along the way, we have shown some of the most recognized artists on the planet - Hito Steyerl, Marina Abramovic, Paul McCarthy, Xu Bing, Isaac Julien, Robert Mapplethorpe and Patty Chang to name a few. We have also given many emerging artists their first solo exhibitions in Shanghai- Sun Yitian, Liao Guohe, Lawrence Lek, Alvin Ong, Zhang Yibei, etc. We were never easy to pin down or put in a box. ‘Surprise’ became our modus operandi. For us, art is a conduit of discovery, unbound by trends, taste, or geography. For us, art knows no limits and we are eager to keep probing its frontier. 

We are often regarded as an “emerging artist” gallery with our youngest artist born in 2001. However, our oldest artist was born in 1932 and would be 91 years old if he didn’t die in 1989. Sadly, we have had other artists pass over the years. We have self-taught artists and artists who are professors. We have no prejudices about age, sex, or race and embrace eclecticism wholeheartedly, but not at the expense of consistent quality.

There were many memorable milestones along the way: raucous performances, drunken debauchery, and museum shows around the world, as there were struggles, sudden changes, and global catastrophes. We put on 65 exhibitions of over 80 artists and participated in 42 art fairs in 10 countries and regions. We have become an internationally recognized commercial gallery whose artists are exhibited in and collected by the top institutions but we move steadily with an independent heart whose focus is still on the spirit of art.

We can’t believe we’re 10 years old and even though we’ve already done so much, we’re still young, ambitious, and growing strong. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BANK! Enjoy the party!

 开幕演出 Opening Performance 

「祝你生日快乐」 Happy Birthday to You

指导者&演出者/Instructor&Performer: 张奕满 & 余昱昀 Heman Chong & Marcus Yee,神秘歌手 secret singer

时间/Time: 2023/11/10 周五 Fri 17:00-17:30

地点/Address: 上海市徐汇区安福路298弄2号楼底楼 

Basement, No,2, Lane 298, An Fu Rd, Shanghai

张奕满 & 余昱昀,《祝你生日快乐》,The Bank Show展览现场,2015

Heman Chong & Marcus Yee, Happy Birthday to You, Installation view at The Bank Show, 2015


 BANK十周年after party 将于11月10日晚开启,详情即将宣布,敬请期待

 BANK's 10th Anniversary after party  will be held on the evening of November 10th, details will be announced soon, stay tuned!


